In Ben's Sunday School class last week, Ben was talking with the kids about their past week. One of the boys,-Sam, told Ben that he had a rough week due to some of the guys giving him a hard time about accidentally walking into the ladies restrooom. Oops!
So last night while talking in bed... Ben tells me about his trip to D.C on Sunday night. And while in the airport waiting for the next flight he was talking with a couple other crew members. He excused himself to go to the restroom... walked in, used the facilities, washed up and began walking out.... until someone else walked in... a woman. Of course they both looked at one another puzzled. She said to Ben, "I thought I came in the right bathroom," turns out... she did infact walk into the right facility... Ben however did not!
So last night while talking in bed... Ben tells me about his trip to D.C on Sunday night. And while in the airport waiting for the next flight he was talking with a couple other crew members. He excused himself to go to the restroom... walked in, used the facilities, washed up and began walking out.... until someone else walked in... a woman. Of course they both looked at one another puzzled. She said to Ben, "I thought I came in the right bathroom," turns out... she did infact walk into the right facility... Ben however did not!