It get's said, and heard over and over... but how do they grow so fast? How does this happen so quickly? I just want to press "pause." They are little still, but it is feeling like the little is slipping away ever so quickly. I don't want them to know that "Charlie," ( our special Santa's helper Elf) doesn't really have magic and can't talk. I wanted to do so many things this season. I told Ben while packaging Charlie ( short for Charleston or Charlie-West) up on Christmas eve night after he had made sure they were dreaming of "sugar plums dancing in their heads"- that I am going to have to start writing these little traditions down, so we can remember them from year to year!
I wanted to go caroling, I wanted to re-enact the Birth Story, I wanted to let them go give gifts to needy ones, I wanted to make more handmade gifts like doll clothes and wooden tool boxes! There are so many things that I wanted to do, but didn't. How do you fit it all in?
We did accomplish alot this Christmas season and it was all wonderful and sentimental. But I guess I will start pre-planning for next year and fill my calendar with daily activities to fit it all that I want to in!
-no more night-time Pull-ups
-learning to throw- cause it's sad right now!
-turning *gasp* 4 years old!
-learning to confidently swim
-loving her Brother always!
-potty training
-giving up the Binka (binky/pacifier)
-throwing and catching a ball
-riding a trike
-turning *double gasp* 2 years old!
-trying to swim
-getting rid of the banging his head when mad
-in other words... using his WORDS!
-major career move into the Q-400 (still as a Captain!)
-re-committing to push-ups and crunches
-keeping his lovely, dear wife sane while moving (hopefully!)
-cheering on his lovely, dear, fantastic wife on as she attemps a marathon!
-saying goodbye to my twenties- (it's going to hurt my ego BIG time)
-that whole marathon thing at about the 30year mark.... OH DEAR!!!! ( might just be a 1/2?)
-cheering on her dashing, fabulous hubs as he transitions into the "Q"- that's a 6 week process!
-going to the Bahamas for a little "me" time before the "Q"
-finding balance in all that I do, keeping my priorities in line with what I know is good and right.
We have had a wonderful year here in Twenty-Ten, and look forward to Twenty-eleven!
May the new year bring you love and happiness, good health and determination.